Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Month of May

This morning my mom asked me if I had blogged lately - especially as so much has happened in the last nineteen days! Just a run-down:
  • Tomorrow, my beloved friend Trisha's son Joshua will be three months old.
  • I got to be present when Lydia had Lily (though not actually in the room with her, I certainly could appreciate what she was going through!). I then got to hold Lily when she was perhaps an hour old. How could anyone look at a baby and not praise God for His incredible craftsmanship? How can they not see it's an amazing miracle?
  • In light of Lily's birth, and Erica's pregnancy, I have become the new campaign in the "convincing someone to have a baby" department. Oh's increasing my sanctification - I hope. The irony is I thought I might be pregnant right after Women's Retreat, so that was definitely a time of looking at God and thinking - wow! What are your plans for me?
  • I found out during the first week of May that PSCC was closing. Since then, there have been many goodbyes and sadness, but I'm excited to see all that God is going to do in their lives!
  • My parents have been remodeling a good part of their home. This has included gutting the downstairs bathroom (which now looks amazing, by the way), laying new floors in the entry way, much wallpaper removing and painting (that's become my job, somehow, and I have the blister to prove it) in the vast majority of rooms and hallways in the house, scraping cottage cheese off the ceiling (if you have it, you know what I'm talking about - if not - count yourself blessed), and replacing the carpet (soon). These projects have helped me appreciate home ownership via my parents, and while being so excited to see things updated and new, realizing that this, too, shall pass.
  • Said remodeling project has almost made me dislike cats. Okay, maybe I just hate their pee. Is there a way to have the cat and not the pee?
  • My good friend Miranda turned 25 this month, which reminds me that I'm going to be old soon, too.
  • The 18th was our "three year anniversary of engagement." I'm so, SO, SO thankful Andy rode Skyler up to my window that morning! I could not possibly ask for a better husband.
  • I'm officially judging my first show (albeit a learner show) tomorrow (Sunday the 20th). I really get to call the shots...which means I'm actually very nervous.
  • I bought my first official piece of "photograher" equipment - i.e. a Canon 430EZ Flash. I really have no idea what I'm doing with it yet...
  • I finally have a bit of free time, which means I'm trying to finish Eldest, start Farenheit 451, complete Spurgeon's The Power of the Cross of Christ, and start Tozer's The Radical Cross.

And so, on that note, I will end with a great quote. I've been amazed at God's goodness that I haven't dissolved into a little whimpering mess yet. Usually, when this much change and "it's out of my control" stuff starts happening, I have some serious issues. So, I'm not sure if it's the happy drugs I'm taking for my headaches, or (and I believe it's this option) the incredible grace and power of God growing me up into Christ! Amen! Anyway, here's the quote - I've been trying to look more to Christ, and Spurgeon has definitely been helping with that:

Our blessed Lord has at this time a thirst for communion with each of you who are His people, not because you can do him good but because He can do you good. He thirsts to bless you and to receive your grateful love in return. He thirsts to see you looking with believing eyes to His fullness and holding out your emptiness that He may supply it.