Monday, April 16, 2007

Holding Out the Word of Truth

I have not been as faithful to post lately as I would like, though I have been learning more and more to ETP through home-improvement, a cat who likes to pee on said home-improvement, painting, teaching, grading essays, and dealing with insurance companies (the last item in the list is testing me most right now). I've been meaning to throw this up - it was a passing observation MacArthur makes in Ashamed of the Gospel that hit me pretty hard:

"I fear that an approach emphasizing a palatable gospel presentation within the walls of the church absolves the individual believer from his personal obligation to be a light in the world" (84).

How often have I done this?! Though the number of people I've invited to church is sadly low, the number I've personally shared the gospel with is downright pathetic in comparison. How convicting! This was augmented by my reading in Philippians. Phil. 2:14-16 was one of the earliest verses I remember memorizing, but MacArthur points out in his notes that Paul's command to "hold fast" to the word of life (NKJV) is better rendered "hold out" the word of life. Do I shine like a "star in the universe as I hold out the word of life" (NIV)? No, not like Paul, and nothing like Christ.

How can we NOT share the best story ever written, the sweetest truth ever spoken, the greatest act of love ever performed, the most marvelous of all miracles ever performed - that grace can save the dead?

1 comment:

Kate Alesso said...

Well said. Even better when we live it out well. Very convicting, indeed. Thank you, Leila!