Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Carb By Any Other Name Would Still Smell As Sweet

Just a brief update on the Diabetes front. I had diabetic counseling today, and it was an encouragement. When I first heard the diabetes's news, I was crushed that my lack of self-control or weight issues might have caused this disease that will potentially affect Tyncy both as an inside and outside baby. It was comforting to hear that, though weight does influence things, it's more genetic pre-disposition + risk factors + pregnancy hormones.

To summarize the appointment, I have to monitor my blood-sugar four times a day (for now) and reduce my carbohydrate intake. The nice nutritionist showed me how to test my blood-sugar, and as she pulls out the smallest little needle I've ever seen, asks me if I'm going to be okay. Nice Lady, I have birthed a child. What's a little needle to me? The discussion of carbohydrates was more painful and traumatizing than that blasted needle. When given the choice between a candy bar and a bowl of pasta, I will always take the pasta. Good, Italian, Carb-loaded food wins over any other food on the planet. Thankfully, I can still have up to 14 'carb-servings' a day, so it's not the end of the world (though the skies rolling back any time now would be fantastic. I can't wait for Heaven's version of cheesecake).

But, how good is God?! All my years of learning how to read nutritional labels, measure food, and monitor carbohydrate intake via South Beach or Atkins or Weight Watchers have all helped prepare me for something that matters - my sweet Tyncy! I know good proteins, I understand how to cook and be creative on a limited carb-allowance, and that's fantastic! Not so fantastic is that low-carb diets cost more money, but as I drove home and saw a beautiful rainbow above Smokey Point, I was reminded that God cares for us and *always* keeps His promises. I think my insurance will even cover the diabetic testing supplies!

It seems food and exercise and nutrition will always be in my life. That little Leila chunk in Weight Watchers in the fourth grade will never quite escape the need to monitor dietary choices. I must discover an aerobic activity that doesn't make me want to poke out my eye (running, anyone?). This all used to upset me as I watched the pretty-perfect-people (so I called them) eat whatever they wanted. But, this keeps me humble, and it keeps me dependent. I need that. So, please keep praying. If my blood sugar isn't controlled by diet changes, I might need to start medication. If Tyncy responds well, awesome, but if he or she starts having a huge growth spurt, we'll begin exploring induction/C-section stuff further down the road. My prayer is for a healthy baby, delivered naturally, but ultimately I want God's glory to radiate - like a cosmic plate of wood-fired pizza.

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