Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sharing in Thanks

Mr. Weinberg made the point at a Wednesday sharing night that we should share of the goodness of God - He's been doing some wonderful things lately, and I'm very thankful! So, here's some sharing:

  • Our 12-year-old washing machine, after many fixes, has died. On one hand, this conveniently happened right after a massive, fantastic sale at a great appliance place. On the other, it happened the day a $100 nation-wide rebate went into effect, and my father "just happened" to find a top-of-the-line Maytag Steam Washer for less than cost. That, plus the rebates and a great home-owner's policy and others' generosity, means we'll payed about $125 for a new washer that retails for over $1,200.
  • I accidentally over drafted our account to the tune of $130 dollars a few weeks ago. It was totally my fault - but, the nice lady at the bank reversed half the charges, and then a random check from EvCC's Teacher Union arrived in the mail to cover the rest. He is gracious even with our stupid mistakes!
  • We never received a bill for Andy's anesthesia services from last October's appendix trauma, though we did get an explanation of benefits from the insurance - they sent a $600 check to us towards the $1800 bill, but still showed a $1200 balance we would need to pay for the out-of-network provider. Lo and behold, the bill finally arrived today - and they discounted the $1200 and we only owe the $600 check the insurance initially sent us!! That means we don't have to pay any out-of-pocket for an $1800 bill.
  • I've been feeling good, and all my numbers except my fasting blood-sugar have been well under control with diet changes. I am now on medicine two-times a day, but that's not horrible. I also feel better - though I love carbs, I'm not sure my body loves them, and I just feel more healthy and energetic. My fasting blood-sugar is still a little high, even with the medicine, so prayer needed on that front!
  • I finished my last official day of class - perhaps for a long time, and at least until late September. I have a wonderful, flexible, rewarding job and a gracious Grandma and Grandpa who willingly watch Merian. It's a fantastic situation, but I love being home and sleeping in just a little.
  • Andy has been getting enough hours at work - and even a little over-time! And, he has a day off tomorrow, which will allow him to fix some things around the farm and work on Tyncy projects, which is a massive blessing to me, as I can't do those things right now.

God has been answering our prayers in so many ways. I feel like He's showing me His faithfulness in the small things (like washing machines) to remind me He'll take care of the future, larger, more looming 'problems.'


Chuck Weinberg said...

Oh How personal He is and it is so easy to either over look the blessings or just forget them quickly. Like the Israelites, we must be reminded and must remind others so we are constantly thanking Him for His gracious provision. Thanks for sharing.
It would have taken quite a bit of work to pay for any ONE of those blessing and God arranged other "work" to pay it off before you got the bill. He is so creative and that's why I say it is "FUN to watch Him work".

cwblogger said...

You have described the precise reason we are not to worry about things God has promised to provide, such as food, clothing, and shelter. When He goes and blesses us with luxuries, such as washing machines, it is icing on the cake! As we grow in relationship to Him, I hope that we begin to see 'tests of faith' as 'opportunities to trust and enjoy' rather than burdens to worry about.

It is indescribably fun to see God working, bringing a flood of joy with amidst the drought of trials! I am convinced that when we are biblical stewards of the resources with which He has blessed us, we need not worry about the problems. He will provide! He has promised to do so and He can not renege on His promises! He owns the cattle on a thousand hills so resources are not an issue. Why do we then worry? Oh yea, we are sinners.

But Jesus is greater than all of our sin!