Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Work Ethic

This won't be anything academic or even insightful or intelligent, but as World's For Sale has been progressing, I've noticed a few things:

1). My heart isn't in the right place, and I'm pretty sure there are others in a similar situation. World's For Sale isn't always loads of fun, but it is serving one another, the body, and - in light of short-term mission work - SO MANY people we might never know about. Where are our hearts of service? Where is the Christ-like-ness? This is, in many ways, washing others' feet (especially those of you who have had clothing and shoe duty). This is love working itself out in action! But our acts of service are nullified by stinky, self-centered, lazy, hearts.

2). We need some JOY! I was the first one to whine when more (children's) books were unearthed from the masses of boxes. But we need to have some serious JOY in our hearts (and I mean deep down). We have so many people coming in from the community these next few days, and we must shine brightly and honestly. We need to minister to them, even while loading up cars or dealing with grouchy people - to smile, to be excited because this is our chance to minister to a fallen world!

3). We need some work ethic! Everyone needs a rest, and most of you have worked your hardest and your best, but some of you whine, fiddle, fudge, and wander about until we can't find you anymore or don't want to find you anymore. Be self-starters and take some leadership! For those of you who have, you are an encouragement to me and a blessing and delight to our Lord. WORK HARD! Work hard not because we tell you to or under obligation but because, ultimately, if you're folding clothes, pricing teacups, or cleaning rusty table-saws, you are doing it to Christ. You are doing it as service to your Lord and King.

And that demands utter joy, delight, and praise - to echo Pastor Higgins, we need to ENJOY THE PROCESS! :o) For there is much joy in sorting books, cleaning cars, and arranging Christmas decorations. So let's have some ETPing these next few days, remembering that we could be shoveling gravel or building pyramids, instead.


iron girl said...

Hey, I like shoveling gravel. I second what Micah said. Thank you for the ride home tonight and all the encouragement.

Holly said...

Keep up the hard work :)
For those of us in far off lands what is World's For Sale?

Tony Kevin said...

World's For Sale is our youth ministry's annual "fund raiser" each summer we collect donated items from around the community from willing givers (or they bring it to us) and for three days we try in sell it. We get tons of stuff and even some years (including this one) we get a car to sell. Its like the world's for sale or something!!! :)

Reira, great post. I will pray for the servers' hearts for the next few days in relation to wfs. It also is a challenge to me here at work in Redmond. thanks.

Tony Kevin said...

...I should have said... our youth ministry gets the money from the sold items. it is our only "fund raiser"

Leila said...

Tiki - it's a good reminder to appreciate even the opportunity to serve. I know I've missed many of you "grown-ups" who now have real jobs and can't just swing by during the week. :o) Keep ETPing!

Holly - yeah, it's a ginormous garage sale. (And ETP = Enjoying the Process) via Ecclesiastes 2:12 (I think). "There is nothing better joy a man than to have joy in his toil." Good thing to remember as you're cooking cheerily at 6am :)

Leila said...

Right, so I'm currently proofreading the PSCC Student Handbook and I can't even write an english sentence. "There is nothing better for a man than to take joy in his toil." There, much better - sheesh, it was almost "A Message" moment (shout out to my hubby!).

Kate Alesso said...

Thank you! Great post!

I really hope that I didn't sound like I was complaining when I laughed at some of the odd things we received. Those things make for funny memories, and as such, help me to ETP even more, in some odd way.

Many times I kept having to remind myself to work for God and His glory, not just to get the job done. Remembering that always helps with increasing joyfulness.

Thanks for being an example!