Thursday, May 11, 2006

Google Trends

Google just launched a new search engine called "google trends" (I'm sure you computer-junkies already know this, but I just discovered it). If you're looking to waste a few moments of valuable critical thinking time pondering the "who's who" of search land, test it out. For example, it will show you the 'trend' of searches on certain items/people, and then who did the most searching. Case in point:

C.S. Lewis: searches on Lewis peaked in late 2005, with the release of TLWW from Disney - and most of the searching comes from Salt Lake City (anyone care to interpret this?!).

Starbucks: Most searches are done from Seattle (astounding, I know), followed closely by Pleasanton (pleasant-what?).

Pugs: Seattle also tops the list for this horribly ugly yet snuggly pet (oddly, Phoenix is #2 in searching for Hermit Crabs. Perhaps they remind them of water? The ocean? "I've got, ocean front property in Arizona...")

John Calvin: the most searches for Calvin are launched from Minneapolis

Lost: Manchester, England takes the cake, though Seattle puts in a good bid at number 10.

Nose picking: peaked in 2004 (searching, not doing), mostly by people from New York.

Finally, to my chagrin, there are NO AMERICAN cities that make the list for searching "grammar." Cheers for New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Sheesh. Yet, we dominate the top 10 in searching for "farting."

I am ashamed.


iron girl said...

Well thats certainly interesting. Poor Leila, America don't care about grammar :( I must say that I have never looked that up. Oops.

NeverAlone said...

Sounds like indications are that things are culturally upside-down and ridiculous! Who'd have suspected that?